See personalized learning in action at the Kenowa Hills Public School District
You have heard about personalized learning, but what does it actually look like in a classroom, school, and district? On Thursday, May 5, Kenowa Hills is welcoming up to 40 educators to visit their elementary, middle, and high schools for guided classroom tours, mini-presentations, and Q & A sessions with teachers, students and school leaders. This is a FREE opportunity open to all educators.
How Kenowa Hills is Personalizing Learning

For three years, Kenowa Hills Public Schools has been working with Marzano Research and Re-Inventing Schools to begin transforming the district from a traditional time-based system to one based on competency. Kenowa Hills uses Marzano’s High Reliability Schools (2014) framework in supporting this paradigm shift. Participants will be to observe classrooms and engage in discussions surrounding:
Reinventing Schools has a learner-centered approach to competency-based education. Progress is based on demonstration of mastery, not seat time, grade level, or age. When students are proficient, they can move ahead in the curriculum, doing deeper and more advanced work. When they struggle, they can take their time to truly master the content, instead of rushing to the next unit or grade only to fall behind later because they lack foundational skills.
In a competency-based education system:
- Safe and Collaborative Culture
- Effective Teaching in Every Classroom
- Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum
- Standards-Referenced Reporting
- Competency-Based Education
Reinventing Schools has a learner-centered approach to competency-based education. Progress is based on demonstration of mastery, not seat time, grade level, or age. When students are proficient, they can move ahead in the curriculum, doing deeper and more advanced work. When they struggle, they can take their time to truly master the content, instead of rushing to the next unit or grade only to fall behind later because they lack foundational skills.
In a competency-based education system:
- Students become leaders of their learning.
- Teachers become facilitators and partners.
- Students must demonstrate mastery before advancing to the next level.
- The pathway from level to level—and ultimately to graduation—is transparent to everyone.
Time and Location
The Personalized Learning District Site Visit will be held at the Kenowa Hills Middle School on May 5 from 8:30AM - 3:00PM.
Site Visit Schedule Time Event 8:30AM Welcome and Introduction by Secondary Leadership Team 9:30AM Middle School Classroom Visits 10:00AM Travel to High School 10:15AM High School Classroom Visits 11:15AM Debrief - Q & A 11:45PM Lunch (Provided by KHPS) 12:45PM Welcome and Introduction by Elementary Leadership Team 1:15PM Elementary Classroom Visits 2:15PM Debrief – Q & A 3:00PM End of Site Visit |
Kenowa Hills Middle School
3950 Herdershot NW Grand Rapids, MI 49544 |